Video Marketing Primer

Did you know that the majority of mobile marketers say they use video to build their user base. Why? People like to consume digital content. It works.

There is tremendous value in video marketing:

  • YouTube reaches more people between age 18 and 34 than any cable network.
  • Videos are shared by viewers 1,200% more on social media than other content.
  • Users acquired from videos lead to a 64% higher likelihood of conversion and have a 3x high retention rate.
  • Videos on landing pages can improve conversions by 80%.

Although video production and editing can add some expense to the marketing budget, the ROI for effective video advertising speaks for itself. And if you’re still not convinced, you can read more here.

Let’s explore the basic steps of video marketing.

Getting Started

The first thing to decide is what type of video to develop. A few options are product videos, explainers/tutorials, or videos that portray your brand. Focus on one video type (based on your business needs and priorities) and begin the brainstorming stage for the concept and storyboard. Moving forward, establish a streamlined look to use that will be consistent across all of your videos.

Keep it Concise

Attentions spans are short, so being concise is key. Shoot for a 30-90 second video, depending on the platform you plan to use. Videos meant for your website or Facebook can be on the longer side, but social media and mobile video ads should be kept short. Video ads that run for 30 seconds have a completion rate of more than 80%.

Consider your Promotional Strategy

Sharing your videos on your website and corporate social media channels is the most cost effective and efficient type of promotion, but depending on your reach and engagement you may need to supplement with other types of sponsored advertising.

If you decide to move up to paid advertising, compare your options. Social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook have a wide audience base. Promoting in apps can be effective too, especially if the app has in-app offers in exchange for watching a video (a “reward” – like lives, coins, or other things that cost money in the app). Around 80% of users opt-in to reward ads, and they have a 90% customer loyalty and engagement rate.

A Note on User-Generated Content

The vast majority of consumers say user-generated content is more influential than brand-generated videos. People tend to trust what another person says over a company advertisement, even if that video isn’t super polished or high-end. In addition to videos you develop, feature user-generated content in your ads and on your website and social media. Consider asking some happy customers to film themselves describing their experience and recommending your products/services.


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